Thursday, December 19, 2019

Earthdawn Currency

So, to make things a bit easier to track, I decided to make a currency table, including some definitions of  gems.

Value in silverweightper ozper lb
Copper1/10 silver1/3348
Elemental Earth1001/1010160
Elemental Water1001/1010160
Elemental Air10001/1010160
Elemental Fire10001/1010160
flawed common10per 1/10oz
flawed uncommon50per 1/10oz
flawed rare100per 1/10oz
good common50per 1/10oz
good uncommon250per 1/10oz
good rare500per 1/10oz
flawless common100per 1/10oz
flawless uncommon500per 1/10oz
flawless rare1000per 1/10oz

So I decided it would be easy for tracking gems, if we just broke them into a few categories.
Common, such as jasper, quartz, turquoise, or white pearls.
Uncommon like blue pearls, jade, or aquamarine
Rare like rubies emeralds and diamonds.

Give it a quality, flawed, good or flawless.

Make it per weight. 1/10 ounce just like elemental coins, and voila, easily tradeable gemstones.

(Will update with descriptions later)

1 comment:

  1. nice, makes sense to classify them by level of flaw combined with rarity. basically how it works in the real world, the names mostly just differentiate color and then it is known where on rarity they fall and observation tells how flawed. plus one might be rarer in one location than another, or have more meaning to one culture than another, but that would be separate and an added hassle perhaps.
