Wednesday, June 10, 2020



Don't misconstrue my silence. As the father of 1/4 black children, I am 100% Black Lives Matter; one of them being in transition, and 100% Trans Lives Matter.

I'm planning on doing a Special edition of Meanderings, with paid content by Black authors and artists.

I accept acknowledge my white privilege. The one time I was arrested, I was released on my own recognizance, I was not cuffed and stuffed, and I was not assaulted. Had I been black or a person of color, that loitering charge arrest could have been an entirely different story.

I personally don't trust most cops. I definitely oppose racists and white supremacists, to the extent of not talking to the majority of my blood relatives.

Ron Tilton
White ally to Black Lives Matter & Trans Lives Matter

Sunday, January 19, 2020

Taming and Training, Journal Entry #3

16th of Rua

I wandered into the wild around Haven to find some friends, when I ran across falcon that I started baiting it all afternoon.

17th of Rua

I arrived at the same clearing in the forest as the previous day, and found my falcon friend from the day before waiting for me, surprisingly.  I played with it all afternoon, and as I left for the day, Flash, as I started calling it, rode back to where I was sleeping in the Loyal Order of Delvers sleeping area.

18th of Rua

I went to the same area with Flash to start Training him to hunt for me and it took most of the afternoon for him to understand.  That evening as I was cooking the meat, I saw eyes in the woods and left food for it.

19th of Rua

I did my Karma Ritual the next day in the forest, and stared in wonder when a hutawa approached the circle.  Later that day when I went to my usual clearing with Flash, what do I find but that same hutawa as this morning.  She stayed and watched my training with Flash and when he missed a strip of the meat that I was using to train him, she pounced on it.  I started throwing some specifically for her which she gobbled up gleefully.

20th of Rua

I went to the same place with Flash and found Pounce, what I decided to call the hutawa from yesterday, bounding out of the bushes as soon as I threw the first strip of meat.  By the end of the afternoon, I had her eating out of my hand and she followed me home, which she did even more exuberantly than Flash had three days ago.

21st of Rua

I took Pounce to the training yard to train her to attack on command.  She took to it really well, though some of the others in the training yard started to get a little nervous at how viciously Pounce was tearing into the practice dummies.