Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Edge of Ruin Campaign - Earthdawn 4e.

It's been a long time coming. The road to actually running a game of Earthdawn 4th Edition after I helped with the early development of this amazing edition. Josh and Morgan have done an amazing job of creating an edition which is more streamlined and still feels like Earthdawn.

The inclusion of Durability as a built-in aspect of the Disciplines circle reduces bookkeeping with Legend Points.

The removing of the Karma tax is a wonderful rework which not only removes the nickel and dime economy of LP tracking, but also makes the entire process more smooth, and encourages spending karma while at the same time reducing the swinginess of the karmaball of 1e. (Spending all karma in a single huge roll.)

Finally, my favorite optional rule so far. Automatically granting an attribute increase at each new circle. Technically this limits the number of attribute increases to 14, but if you let them continue purchasing attribute increases with Legend Points at Circle 15 (And I see no real reason not to, if you're actually still playing at Circle 15.)

Anyway, I'm running this campaign to do something I consider myself uniquely suited to. As a DCC Compatible Publisher, and as a developer for 4e, I want to create a DCC Compatible edition of Earthdawn. By running a campaign thru 15th Circle, I intend to identify the most important elements of what makes Earthdawn feel so wonderfully Legendary, while maintaining the excellent gonzo DCC feel.

Will Earthdawn DCC be for DCC Player? Definitely not, not knowing how many DCC Players feel, However for those Players and Judges, I hope to provide enough resources in the form of Legendary magic items, blood charms, alchemical items, and of course adversaries the like to terrify any 10th level Wizard.

(The blogspot is still as barren as the Badlands...stay tuned for more info.)